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To Transform Your Fridge

You don’t have to give up all the foods you’re used to eating to become more healthy and to start eating raw, organic and live foods.

Do you know the best place to start changing your life and your diet? It is at the grocery store, of course! But it is also in your refrigerator !!


★Clean out your refrigerator and your cabinets. Throw out the half-empty bags of snack foods. Put any microwaveable foods in a dark bag and stash them somewhere in the back of the freezer. Out of sight, out of mind.

★Load up on fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If you can’t give up meat and fish, consider getting super fresh tuna that you can just sear and serve with sesame seeds and a small amount of soy sauce.

(I’m getting hungry just thinking about this!)

★Do stock up on dried fruits and nuts for snacking. Transform your kitchen from a processed food haven to a healthy kitchen. Invest in a good juicer. Clean out those crisper drawers to get them ready for an influx of new organic and raw foods.


Another important part is to change your Water Filter in your refrigerator, aiming to provide  some healthy and drinkable water for families.

Refrigerator water filters available at Filterswell have great value and high quality. There are many types on sales.

●Frigidaire Ultrawf, Kenmore 9999


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